
Foresight Sustainable Forestry: Skills Training Programme – Wales

Welcome to the Foresight Sustainable Forestry Skills Training Programme in Wales

Tilhill Forestry, the UK’s leading sustainable forestry and timber harvesting company and Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company, the UK’s first listed natural capital investment company, presents the fully funded Foresight Sustainable Forestry: Skills Training Programme in Wales.

See below details for the 2024 programme in both English and Welsh. Thank you for your interest, applications are now closed.

We have an exciting opportunity for you to join the Foresight Sustainable Forestry Skills Training Programme and be part of reshaping the future of our environment and the forest industry.

Working in partnership with Coleg Cambria Llysfasi in Ruthin, Wales to deliver the programme, local candidates in Wales will receive fully funded three weekly training sessions which will include forestry-related activities. The syllabus will include tractor driving, chainsaw skills, first aid training and much more.

About you

No training, experience or previous qualifications are necessary. We’re looking for candidates over 18 years of age based in Wales who are highly motivated, driven, enthusiastic, reliable and adaptable.  This would be perfect for candidates within agriculture, farming or contractor-based roles who want to start a career locally within the forestry sector.


  • All course costs including assessments where required, accommodation, travel, essential PPE and kit will be fully funded, including any compensation for loss of earnings on completion of each training block
  • Successful candidates will be assigned a mentor to advise on the development of their forestry career. Trainees may work as a formed team, as individuals or be placed with an existing approved contractor based on assessment of their capabilities by Tilhill Forestry.
  • Upon completion of the course there will be the option to apply for any available Tilhill Forestry vacancies.
  • A certificate of training will be presented on completion of the training scheme.

The progamme training will take place:

  • Week 1: 26th August – 30th August 2024
  • Week 2: 16th September – 20th September 2024
  • Week 3: 27th October – 1st November 2024

Tilhill Forestry

Over the last 75 years, Tilhill Forestry has planted more than 1 billion trees and, as a private company, has the greatest number of professionally qualified managers. We specialise in woodland creation and management, timber harvesting and buying, and landscaping. We always strive to provide an unrivalled service to our clients and customers. Tilhill Forestry is part of the BSW Group, which is the largest sawmilling and forestry business in the UK and a member of binderholz.

Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company

Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company invests in UK forestry and afforestation schemes (it currently owns eleven sites in Wales) and is primarily focused on increasing sustainable UK timber supply.  Its approach to sustainable forestry is closely aligned with five of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and encompasses protecting the natural environment, enhancing biodiversity levels, making a positive contribution to carbon sequestration, and supporting rural communities.  Its forestry schemes in Wales, Scotland, and England are playing an important role in both the battle against climate change and in the fight against biodiversity loss.

Mae gennym gyfle cyffrous i chi ymuno â Rhaglen Hyfforddiant Sgiliau Coedwigaeth Gynaliadwy Foresight a bod yn rhan o’r gwaith o ail-lunio dyfodol ein hamgylchedd a’r diwydiant coedwigaeth.

Gan weithio mewn partneriaeth â Coleg Cambria Llysfasi i gyflwyno’r rhaglen, bydd ymgeiswyr lleol yng Nghymru yn cael tair sesiwn hyfforddi wythnosol wedi’u hariannu’n llawn, a fydd yn cynnwys gweithgareddau sy’n ymwneud â choedwigaeth. Bydd y maes llafur yn cynnwys gyrru tractor, sgiliau llif gadwyn, hyfforddiant cymorth cyntaf a llawer mwy.

Amdanoch chi

Nid oes angen unrhyw hyfforddiant, profiad na chymwysterau blaenorol. Rydyn ni’n chwilio am ymgeiswyr yn Cymru sy’n llawn cymhelliant, yn frwdfrydig, yn ddibynadwy ac yn gallu addasu.  Byddai hyn yn berffaith ar gyfer ymgeiswyr mewn swyddi ym maes amaethyddiaeth, ffermio neu gontractwyr sydd am ddechrau gyrfa yn lleol yn y sector coedwigaeth.


  • Bydd holl gostau’r cwrs, gan gynnwys asesiadau lle bo angen, llety, teithio, cyfarpar diogelu personol a chyfarpar hanfodol, yn cael eu hariannu’n llawn, gan gynnwys unrhyw iawndal am golli enillion ar ôl cwblhau pob bloc hyfforddi.
  • Caiff mentor ei neilltuo i ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus i roi cyngor ar ddatblygiad eu gyrfa ym maes coedwigaeth. Efallai y bydd gweithwyr dan hyfforddiant yn gweithio fel tîm, fel unigolion neu yn cael eu lleoli gyda chontractwr cymeradwy presennol gan Tilhill ar sail asesiad o’u galluoedd.
  • Ar ôl cwblhau’r cwrs, bydd modd gwneud cais am unrhyw swyddi gwag sydd ar gael yn Tilhill.
  • Cyflwynir tystysgrif hyfforddiant ar ôl cwblhau’r cynllun hyfforddi.

Bydd hyfforddiant y rhaglen yn digwydd:

  • Wythnos 1: 26 Awst – 30 Awst 2024
  • Wythnos 2: 16 Medi – 20 Medi 2024
  • Wythnos 3: 30 Hydref – 1 Tachwedd 2024

Tilhill Forestry

Dros y 75 mlynedd a mwy diwethaf, mae Tilhill wedi plannu dros 1 biliwn o goed ac, fel cwmni preifat, mae ganddo’r nifer fwyaf o reolwyr sydd â chymwysterau proffesiynol. Rydym yn arbenigo mewn creu a rheoli coetiroedd, cynaeafu coed a phrynu, a thirlunio. Rydym bob amser yn ymdrechu i ddarparu gwasanaeth heb ei ail i’n cleientiaid a’n cwsmeriaid. Mae Tilhill yn rhan o’r BSW Group, sef y busnes melin lifio a choedwigaeth mwyaf yn y DU ac mae hefyd yn aelod o binderholz.

Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company

Mae Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company Plc yn buddsoddi mewn cynlluniau coedwigaeth a choedwigo yn y DU (mae’n berchen ar un ar ddeg o safleoedd yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd) ac mae’n canolbwyntio’n bennaf ar gynyddu’r cyflenwad pren cynaliadwy yn y DU.  Mae ei agwedd tuag at goedwigaeth gynaliadwy yn cyd-fynd yn agos â phump o Nodau Datblygu Cynaliadwy y Cenhedloedd Unedig ac mae’n cwmpasu gwarchod yr amgylchedd naturiol, gwella lefelau bioamrywiaeth, gwneud cyfraniad cadarnhaol at ddal a storio carbon, a chefnogi cymunedau gwledig.  Mae ei gynlluniau coedwigaeth yng Nghymru, yr Alban a Lloegr yn chwarae rhan bwysig yn y frwydr yn erbyn newid yn yr hinsawdd ac yn y frwydr yn erbyn colli bioamrywiaeth.

More Information


Thank you for your interest, applications for 2024 are now closed.
